Come and join us for our worship together
Copleston Church is meeting for in person worship and also continuing to live stream on our Copleston Facebook page:
Sunday Morning communion service at 10am
If you have enjoyed and appreciated our worship and our work in the community please show your support by making a donation - we rely on the generosity of our members and supporters to keep going!
Sunday Services: 10am - 11.15am each week
We are a lively, welcoming group so please come and join us for worship!
If you're coming for the first time we recommend the first Sunday of the month, Café Church - an informal and interactive service for all ages, starting with breakfast served from 10am, and providing an opportunity to begin to get to know a few people.
The rest of the month, we have a communion service and an adjoining space for younger members of the congregation.
Our Sunday Worship focuses on giving thanks to God in praise and prayer, and in exploring the Christian faith together in ways that help us to make sense of the Bible, our beliefs, and the complexities of human life and society.

Our congregation is a very friendly, welcoming and easy-going group of people of all ages and backgrounds. In both worship and service we seek to make manifest the unconditional love of God in welcome, serious attention and unpossessive togetherness.
We believe in an Inclusive Church - a church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate.
We will continue to challenge the church where it continues to discriminate against people on grounds of disability, economic power, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, learning disability, mental health, neurodiversity, or sexuality.
We believe in a Church which welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ; which is scripturally faithful; which seeks to proclaim the Gospel afresh for each generation; and which, in the power of the Holy Spirit, allows all people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Jesus Christ
I’m New - What should I do?
Feel free to say hello to Edward (Vicar) or the Churchwarden (Simon McDonald), or indeed anyone else.
What to expect.
Our usual weekly worship follows a prewritten order of service. Occasionally we have different services of praise and worship, with more singing. We are very relaxed about noise, running late and dress. Our service has prayers, hymns, bible readings (the bible is a Christian book about God and Jesus), a sermon (the part where a vicar, minister or other speaks about the bible or a topic for that day).
We also have a communion part to our service – this means we eat bread and drink a small amount of wine. Some people prefer to have a blessing. The person leading will explain about this as we go through the service.
The service last about 1 hour and 15 minutes.
We follow a written order of service Church of England and United Reformed Church services, both are in our booklet. There will be a pew sheet with hymns for the day, prayers and notices. You will also be given the hymn book ( hymns are the songs we sing in church) to help you sing. If it would be helpful please ask us to find someone so sit with you and help you through the service.
We have responsive prayer (meaning that you will say those words). That part is always in bold type.
We are happy for you to come dressed in whatever makes you feel comfortable. Some people wear suits or dresses, some are happy in jeans and a T-Shirt. Some of our worship leaders wear robes, others a suit so don’t worry if you dress more casually. Hats are not necessary!
Running late?
Some days it is a challenge to leave the house and we understand that – the bus is late, the dog needs attention, it was hard to come in to church. We do not mind at all if you are running late, we are just happy to see you whenever you arrive!
Wherever you are on your journey...
If you are new to Christianity, new to God, just curious or looking for a new church, everyone is welcome. We can help you learn more about God, Jesus and the bible. And we are keen to learn from you too.
Please support our work and worship with a donation (large or small!)
We can only survive through the financial contributions of our members and supporters. If you appreciate our worship and our work in the community, please click on our logo below to go to our give-a-little donation page.

And please be as generous as you can!
Weekday services, prayer and meditation
Please check back for our pattern of weekday services (also live streamed on Facebook):
Our weekday services are small quiet occasions, conducted in a contemplative atmosphere, and with a period of 10 minutes silence for quiet reflection and contemplation. They provide a beautiful and tranquil way to start or end the day, to give thanks for the good things, and to offer prayers for the people and events on your mind.
Please enter the building via the door which is half-way down the right hand side passage of the building.
View texts for Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer
Prayer Request
If you or a loved one are in need of spiritual support, just fill in a Prayer Request form and we’ll include you in our prayers, and if requested add your request to our weekly prayer list.
Can you help? We appreciate any donations you can offer. Thank you!

Support us to continue our work with the local community.
You can donate to Copleston Centre via our account.
Please click here to give to Copleston Church.
Current and recent funders are: